Memorial Gifts
What if I choose to list Foxdale as a charity in an obituary or announcement?
You might use the following or similar language: “Gifts may be directed to the Foxdale Village [name of fund, program, or project].” For example, “Gifts may be directed to the Foxdale Village Community Fund.”
How are gifts acknowledged/Will family be notified about gifts made?
Donors will receive a letter acknowledging receipt of their gift and a letter for tax purposes.
A family member or another person designated by the individual being remembered will receive a list of donors and their addresses (unless a donor chooses to remain anonymous). Foxdale is not able to share the dollar amount of gift(s) with family or other individuals.
Where should gifts be sent/Whom do I contact with questions?
Donate online or write a check payable to Foxdale Village and include the fund name on the “pay to” line, e.g., Foxdale Village Community Fund. Please include the name of the person being remembered in the memo line.
Send contributions to: Foxdale Village, Attn: Development Office, 500 E. Marylyn Avenue, State College, PA 16801.
If you have any questions, please contact the Development Office at (814) 272-2147.
Want to know more about Foxdale Village?
We hope you’ll plan a visit soon to Foxdale for a tour and to meet some residents.